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As mankind’s oldest financial institution, pawn broking carries on a tradition with a rich history. Pawn broking can be traced back at least 3,000 years to ancient china, and has been found in the earliest written histories of Greek and Roman civilizations. Pawning has long been a source of capital for people in times of need, as well as a means of financing business ventures. Typically, loans are small averaging between $ 50.00 to $ 200.00, yet they can be as low as $20 or as high as $10,000 depending on the value of the collateral. Customers provide collateral such as gold, silver and diamonds.The process is much the same as any other lending institution. The primary difference is the size of the loan, no credit check, and the collateral item stays in the pawnbrokers possession until the loan has been repaid. Loans are written for four months. At the end of the four month loan period, the customer is required to repay the loan for the full amount, including interest and any applicable fees. If the customer cannot pay the loan in full, the option of paying only the interest on the loan is available and the loan starts over for another four months. If the customer does not repay or renew the loan by the due date the collateral is forfeited to the pawn broker. All interest rates and terms of a loan are governed by the State of California and cannot be changed or modified. Pawn brokers must be licensed by the State and are the only ones who can legally write a Pawn Loan.Obtaining a collateral loan from Jewelry World and Loan is easy and convenient. All of our loans are confidential. You must be at least 18 years of age and have valid picture identification. We are licensed with the state of California since 1985.  We accept items such as: Gold, Diamonds, Gemstones, Watches, Electronics, Musical Instruments, Tools, Antiques, Cameras and much more. We have a knowledgeable and friendly staff to help you through your loan transaction. We look forward to serving you!
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